What's Dumb Kunst

So many of you get lost in the name, that its definition just sounds one in the same.
So in an effort to clear the air, we define Dumb Kunst for those of you who care.
Its way more than what meets the eye or what you think it may sound like.
That if you still are confused after this, by all means feel free to take a hike...
...after reading definition Dumb Kunst #2 of course, you linguistical horse (see what we did there).



adjective: dumb; comparative adjective: dumber; superlative adjective: dumbest

1. temporarily unable or unwilling to speak; resulting in or expressed by speechlessness.
"they stood dumb while idiocracy ensued; staring in dumb amazement"
2. offensive • dated (of a person) unable to speak, most typically because of congenital deafness.
"he was born deaf, dumb, and blind"
3. informal • north american stupid.
"what a dumb question"

4. (of a computer terminal) able only to transmit data to or receive data from a computer; having no independent processing capability.

verb: dumb; 3rd person present: dumbs; past tense: dumbed; past participle: dumbed; gerund or present participle: dumbing

make dumb or unheard; silence.
"a splendor that dazed the mind and dumbed the tongue"



From Old High German kunst (“knowledge”) attested since the 9th century; ultimately from the verb können.
Cognate with Swedish konst.

1. art
2001, Jurij Brězan, Lucia Heine, editor, Ze studnje lět/Brunnen der Jahre: Zběrka sentencow, aforistiskich myslow a zapisow/Eine Sammlung von Sentenzen, aphoristischen Gedanken und Notaten, 1st edition, Budyšin/Bautzen: Ludowe nakładnistwo Domowina/Domowina-Verlag, German section, page 61:
Der Versuch des Mannes, die Frau zu ergründen, ist seit Jahrtausenden gescheitert. Das immer wieder zu versuchen liegt an der einfachen Konstruktion seines Hirns, das das Unmögliche nicht als unmöglich begreifen kann. Die Versuche misslangen, die Versuchung blieb, und daraus wurde Kunst.
- Man’s attempt to fathom women has failed for millenia. To still go on making these attempts is due to the simple construction of his brain that cannot grasp the impossible as impossible. The attempts failed, the temptation abode, and thus turned into art.
2. (now chiefly as the first part of compound words) something artificially created or manufactured, as opposed to something natural
2009, Dorit Steenhusen, Träume Schäume Fieberwahn, page 75:
Und „wer kann es wirklich unterscheiden, ob sie echt sind oder nur Kunst? Sie sind so sündhaft teuer,“ hatte sie noch hinzugefügt.
- And "who can really tell, if they are real or only artificial (things)? They are so terribly expensive," she added.

dumb kunst

/dәm kΩnst/


1. DUMB - informal: silly, stupid / KUNST - German translation: art
“[chuckles]... That's some dumb kunst!"
2. a simpleton, unable to understand the linguistical concept of homophones, and thus associates one unflatteringly connotated like-sounded word with one that is, ironically, completely benign in meaning. 
“Karen is such a dumb kunst for getting lost in translation and writing us off, thinking our name was ‘Dumb Cunts.’ I mean, come on; ‘Dumb Cunts’ would be a horrible name for a brand, Karen!”
3. a psychological exploration into one's mind, toeing the fine line between deeming a specific topic - usually of a taboo nature - offensive, while finding funny and laughing at all other taboolous topics, of which may otherwise be deemed offensive to someone else. 
Did anyone catch when the dumb kunst occurred? He was laughing at all the jokes about everyone else, until all of a sudden, he was livid and stormed out of the room. I guess that joke about priests and child molestation touched him in all the wrong places.”
4. a subvertising agency of thought provocateurs who culture jam to today’s hits while creating cognitive dissonance under the guise of the passive- aggressive wearing of ‘graphic’ t-shirts - an over-the-counterterrorism counterculture poking of the bear, the jackass, and the elephant. Take two (2) and call us in the morning!
”It may seem silly, but I was prescribed dumb kunst to cure me of my inability to actually say what is on my mind. Now, I simply let Dumb Kunst speak for the silent as I rock out to the best laughs and t-shirts from dumbkunststudios.com - Greater Goods for the Lesser Evil!